Handy Strain Gage Transducer Indicator

Handy Strain Gage Transducer Indicator

T1000 Strain Gage Transducer Indicator is an economical instrument with high accuracy and multiple functions.

It is a Strain Gage Transducer Indicator and also function as a Strain Gage Indicator.

As a Strain Gage Transducer Indicator, it can support 2 types of bridges. While if used as a
Strain Gage Transducer Indicator, there are 24 bits A/D converts to make the measurement.
● Strain gage base transducer indicator
● 6 digital resolution
● Half and full bridge circuitry
● Built-in half bridge
● Automatic zero-balancing and calibration
● Actual load calibration or sensitivity registration calibration capability
● Lead wire line resistance completion setting for 4-wire Full bridges
● Enable reading in over 70 engineering unit
● Friendly intuitive, menu-driven operations
● Keypad operable
● Rugged, handy and lightweight
● Max / Min Peak Hold function
● Operates on 2 pieces of AA size dry cell or AC power adaptor
● Option 16-Bits analog output
● Option EIA-RS-232C or datum link

● Strain Gage type Transducer Indicator
● Load Cell Indicator
● Force Indicator
● Torque Indicator
● Pressure Indicator
● Micro-Resistance Indicator
● Semiconductor Strain Gage Indicator
● Strain/Stress Analysis
● Material Test
● Material Elasticity Indicator